Saturday, January 28, 2006

Where in the world have you been?

Well, I've been wondering the vast and distance places of my mind, heart and soul and yes it was all done without any form of mind altering drug. Just the drug of thought, which can be a pretty heavy drug for me. I can't possibly type on here all that has gone through my mind over the last couple months but I thought I would update since it's been a while.
EPIC has changed up a bit. Instead of us creating a new and different way of doing the same old church routine which involved asking people to leave their normal everyday life and "enter" into something where they were supposed to feel or experience God. We are wrestling with how to actively LIVE OUT a faith that resembles Jesus. By LIVE OUT, I'm mean OUT in the world, in our homes, marriages, work places, friends (those who have a relationship with Jesus and those who don't), yes actually having friends who don't believe like we do and not for the purpose of "changing them and bringing them into the fold" but just loving them. I recently spoke to a couple people who don't consider themselves Christian and they said that one thing they hate about "Christians" is that they treat them (non-believers) as projects and not people. So, we are in the midst of trying to figure all this out. Come and join in if you want.
My own life has been trudging through the thought recesses as well. I guess it's becasue I'm 38 and although I know I have many, many years in front of me, it still seems old. I'm not sure if I'm normal or not, I think most of the time I'm not, but I just want my life to mean something. To impact something in a real, deep and long lasting way. Maybe it will be in my wife or children or some lone person I meet in life but right now my life seems unfulfilling and I'm just trying to figure it out, or at least understand it, be at peace with it and walk.
I'll keep you posted.

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